We are proud to announce a new release for Event Masker, with many productivity tweaks and significant enhancements.
Continue reading Event Masker – 2021.08 ReleaseSplunk & advanced filtering with Event Masker
What is Splunk ?
Splunk is a Data-to-Everything Platform designed to ingest and analyze all kind of data. They can be visualized and correlated through Splunk searches, alerts, dashboards, and reports. Splunk is the #1 of 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrants in SIEMs for its performant analysis and visionary in Application Performance Management category.
Continue reading Splunk & advanced filtering with Event MaskerBypassing LSA Protection in Userland
In 2018, James Forshaw published an article in which he briefly mentioned a trick that could be used to inject arbitrary code into a PPL as an administrator. However, I feel like this post did not get the attention it deserved as it literally described a potential Userland exploit for bypassing PPL (which includes LSA Protection).
Continue reading Bypassing LSA Protection in UserlandStealing user passwords through a VPN’s SSO
Last year I got this idea that I should attempt to pay for my holidays to Japan by hunting for bounties in security appliances while in the plane. A full 10 hours of uninterrupted focus on one solution seemed like it should yield interesting results. So I started reverse engineering the Firewall of a relatively common brand which has a private bug bounty. Due to this reason, I won’t be giving out the full details of the issue I discovered, but I find the vulnerability to be quite interesting and worth discussing. So I attempt to do this here without breaching any disclosure terms…
Continue reading Stealing user passwords through a VPN’s SSOState of Pentesting 2020
To many people, pentesting (or hacking in a broader sense) is a dark art mastered by some and poorly understood by most. It has evolved quite substantially throughout the years, guided by new vulnerabilities, changing behaviours and maybe most importantly the development and release of new tools, be they offensive or defensive.
Continue reading State of Pentesting 2020Continuous Pentesting
At SCRT, we have been performing penetration tests for nearly 20 years now and have always tried to improve our methodologies to match client expectations and deliver the most accurate and useful results from each test we undertake.
Continue reading Continuous PentestingEngineering antivirus evasion (Part II)
tl;dr To interact with the Windows operating system, software often import functions from Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). These functions are listed in clear-text in a table called Import Address Table and antivirus software tend to capitalise on that to infer malicious behavioural detection. We show ideas and implementation of an obfuscator that allows to refactor any C/C++ software to remove this footprint, with a focus on Meterpreter. The source code is available at https://github.com/scrt/avcleaner.
Continue reading Engineering antivirus evasion (Part II)Engineering antivirus evasion
tl;dr: this blog post documents some aspects of our research on antivirus software and how we managed to automatically refactor Meterpreter to bypass every AV/EDR we were put up against. While the ideas for every technique and the implementation of the string obfuscation pass are detailed below, we decided to publish details on API imports hiding / syscalls rewriting in future blog posts to keep this one as short as possible. The source code is available at https://github.com/scrt/avcleaner
Continue reading Engineering antivirus evasionSCRT on Covid-19 and Remote Access / Working From Home
Like everybody, SCRT has been adjusting to life under Covid-19 over the last weeks. Thankfully, we’ve been prepared for working from home for quite some time now as many of us do so during normal circumstances anyways. This is however not the case for all companies and we’ve unfortunately been called in to help some of them deal with the unwanted consequences of poorly setting up their remote access (read: they got hacked). So here is a quick blog post detailing the main issues we see with remote access systems and what can be done to avoid them.
Continue reading SCRT on Covid-19 and Remote Access / Working From HomeCombining Request Smuggling and CBC Byte-flipping to stored-XSS
During a recent penetration test we stumbled upon a couple of issues which independently might not have warranted any attention, but when combined allowed to compromise other users by injecting arbitrary JavaScript into their browsers. It goes to show that even certain issues which might not always seem particularly interesting (such as self-XSS) can sometimes be exploited in meaningful ways. I’ll keep this mostly theoretical so as not to divulge any information on the actual targeted system.
Continue reading Combining Request Smuggling and CBC Byte-flipping to stored-XSS