Insomni’hack finals – Hollywood network writeup

You probably saw on many ‘hackers movies’ weird IP address such a 312.5.125.833. On this challenge, you had to connect on a fake IBM mainframe running on this strange IP stack. After the Z/OS banner, you had to get a shell with “L IMS3270”. No guessing here, it’s simply one of the three suggestions. On the READY prompt, you had a bunch of crappy commands extracted from the Swordfish movie. Only FLAG, IFCONFIG worked. FLAG expects an IP address as parameter. Since this mainframe runs on a non-standard IP stack, you can’t simply enter your IPv4 address. So you have to get a look at the IFCONFIG output:

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Insomni’hack finals – smtpwn writeup

This challenge was solved by several teams during the contest, however it seems that most teams didn’t have the intended solution, so here it is 😉
The source, binary and exploit for this challenge can be found on our github here!
smtpwn was a very simple local SMTP service. Basically you write a message to its stdin, and it’ll write a file to /tmp/ with the following content:

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The “Bourne” Ultimatum *

Cet article a pour but de résumer brièvement les informations utiles sur la faille ShellShock. Il n’a toutefois pas pour objectif d’être exhaustif (les informations varient encore en fonction des sources et l’état de correction de cette faille, ainsi que des celles qui en découlent n’est pas forcément encore très clair).

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